Worship At College Corner Presbyterian Church
The first tab in our ministries menu will always be worship because it is the primary function of the church as commanded in God's Word. While discipleship and fellowship are absolutely vital to the life of the church, gathering in worship before our holy God proves to be primary.
It is a tradition at our church to pause for a moment to listen to the Ringing of the Bells prior to the Call to Worship. This is done manually and usually involves some of our covenant kids.
We begin with a Call to Worship, which is a Scripture reading, often a psalm or other song of praise from Scripture, that speaks to the triune God being worthy of our worship and praise, for who He is and what He has done for His people.
This is followed by a Hymn of Praise, which echoes the sentiment of the Call to Worship and proclaims the mighty work God revealing the greatness and glory of His character.
Having proclaimed the glory of God, we are better able to acknowledge our place as creatures lovingly made by a merciful Creator. This move us to the Confession of Sin, where we pray privately for a moment and then confess our sins corporately, united in one voice as a Body of Christ.
This is followed by Scripture once again in the Assurance of Pardon, which is a selection that speaks to God's mercy for those who humbly rely on Him alone for redemption and restoration as an image bearer. In confessing our sin we should not assume forgiveness, but we can trust that God's mercy is far greater than our sin. Truly repentant souls find rest in God's mercy and relief as we look to future judgment.
Having testified to the love and mercy of God, we sing a Hymn of Response to God's mercy toward sinful mankind, rejoicing in forgiveness.
Next we thank God through our Prayer of Thanksgiving for the gifts and provisions that He has adorned us with, whether life, material blessing, salvation, sanctification, and innumerable graces bestowed on all mankind. This is followed by Tithes & Offerings. The things for which we are thankful cause us to praise God and give a small portion back to the Lord. This praise reaches its climax as we stand in unity as a body singing the Doxology.
There is a time for announcements, a summary of notable prayer concerns, which are followed by the Pastoral Prayer. This prayer acknowledges the needs of the congregation, desire for ministry efforts, and our submission to the will of God in all things. We have a Great High Priest, the resurrected Jesus, interceding on our behalf, which lends power to our requests made to our Sovereign God.
After a brief Greeting Time, we are called back together with a Hymn of Preparation, which will celebrates the Word of God delivered once and for all to mankind in the Old and New Testament and embodied in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. This serves to prepare us for the Reading of the Word and Proclamation of the Gospel in Preaching.
Following the sermon, we sing a Hymn of Departure echoing the message of the sermon and equipping us to go out into the world and life for the Glory of God alone!
The service concludes with a Benediction, which is a blessing pronounced on the congregation giving encouragement to God's People as they move into the world seeking to live the peculiar life of a genuine Christian being a light to a world which needs, but may not know, Jesus Christ, the Savior, who alone can bring peace and rest for our souls .